Snow removal enterprise Deux-Montagnes

Frequently asked questions - Snow removal

Frequently asked questions

How do I become a loyal customer?

To receive a free quote, click the green QUOTE button in the top right-hand corner of our website and fill out the form. You can also contact us via our Facebook page, by email at or by phone at 450-623-9121. We will be happy to answer all your questions about snow removal.

When can I expect to get my winter renewal contract?

We send out our renewal contracts at the beginning of September every season. Please make sure your email address is current on file so as not to miss it. If you have any changes to your file or services, please contact us before September as it could affect your price.


As soon as you have confirmed your contract and made a payment, your account will be activated. We set up our pickets to mark the opening of your driveway ONLY but we use GPS to plan our routes. Please note it is your responsibility to mark any further areas of your property ex grass, walkway, stairs etc. We know that pickets can get damaged during the season so please contact us if you need yours replaced. In the spring we do collect our pickets and you may leave them somewhere visible on your property. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU COULD BE CHARGED FOR MISSING PICKETS

News in a storm?

Follow us on our Facebook page for live updates. We publish the weather conditions and our approximate route start times. During a snowstorm, you can also email us at We ask that you please only call us in an emergency.

Can you come at a specific time?

During the winter months, we continuously monitor weather conditions (hour after hour) and are in close contact with the sub-contractor and City of Deux-Montagnes teams who clean our roads. When there is an accumulation of 5 cm of snow, we typically head out to begin our services. Our first pass is usually scheduled once the city plows have passed. Our goal is to remove the snow banks created by their plows and do a quick cleaning so you can get out of your driveway without a problem. Depending on the amount of snow, we will restart our routes and continuously remove the snow from your driveway as needed. Please note that our routes can take an average of 4 to 4 ½ hours to complete per pass depending on the snow fall from the time we depart. Because of this, we cannot guarantee to be at your property at any specific time. The time we arrive will depend on when we start and where you are located on our route.

What to expect in a storm?

Snow removal begins as soon as there is 5 cm of snow on the ground. We aim to complete the first pass of the snowplows before 8:00 a.m. in the morning to allow you to get out of your driveway. The snow removal operation continues while the snow is falling and the passage of our snow plows is done after the cleaning of the city. Driveways should be cleared before 6:00 p.m. to welcome you back home.

How does I report damages to my property?

We take responsibility for any damage caused by our drivers as long as it is covered by our terms and conditions. However, we are not liable for customer negligence. Read the Terms and Conditions page to avoid any damages to your property. Please note that all damages need to be reported by May 1. We ask that you email us at with your address and pictures if possible.

What if I have a tempo?

If you have a tempo installed 6 feet from the street, we offer a reduced rate to clear the space in front of your tempo. Please note we leave a 2-foot distance from your tempo for safety and security reasons. Please refer to the car shelter regulations of the city of Deux-Montagnes.

Is snow removal for me?

Things to keep in mind when considering snow removal.

Due to city bylaws, we have to keep snow removed from your driveway on your property. If you do not have enough room to collect he snow, we would have to haul the snow away at an extra cost.

We only picket the entrance of driveways so if you have areas you want to mark off, you will need to put in a marker. Also, if you have trees, plants, bushes near the driveway or area where we will be blowing your snow, you might want to protect them and mark them off.

Why is my price higher this year?

We understand that everything costs more now a days as it affects our industry too. The price of Diesel for the tractors, the cost to maintain the equipment, and salaries has all increased dramatically. We have since had to increase our rates these last two years as well.

How do I make a complaint?

We appreciate any and all feedback we get from our customers. Good or bad! It helps us to fine tune our operations! Please do not hesitate to send us an email and we will respond and address your concerns. With that said, we will not tolerate abuse or foul language.


Need information?

At any time you can contact us by phone or email.

Contact us